NSF IUCRC 20-570 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

iucrc paths

  • How significant a concern is overlap in supporting proposed IUCRCs? NSF seeks to fund new IUCRCs to conduct research in areas of minimal overlap with existing NSF and other Federal investments in similar consortia. NSF encourages the formation of multi-university (i.e., multi-Site) Centers, each of which should address distinct, unique needs. A prospective Principal Investigator (PI) should confirm that a proposed Center does not overlap with existing Centers in the Directory (https://iucrc.nsf.gov/); in the event of overlap with an existing IUCRC, the PI should explore the possibility of joining that Center.
  • What is the process and timeline required from idea/concept to establishing an IUCRC? Creating an IUCRC is like launching an academic startup, requiring a strong desire to build public-private partnerships, knowledge of pressing industry needs, a capable leadership team, access to students, and research infrastructure. To launch an IUCRC, the university team must identify the needs of an economic sector under transformation, confirm alignment of university leadership, secure financial commitments from industry players, and establish an effective governance framework. From concept to Phase I center creation, the process involves numerous activities spanning several distinct stages requiring multiple years, namely, ideation; planning grant proposal submission; NSF merit review and planning grant award; workshop planning and execution; identification of research areas of strong industrial interest/need; realization of industrial support commitments; submission of a Phase I center proposal; and NSF merit review followed by a Phase I center award to support creation of an NSF IUCRC.
  • If extensive Center planning has already been done with a team of PIs from other universities and industry, is it still mandatory to seek a Planning Grant? The solicitation allows for a Planning Grant Waiver for teams that are ready to directly submit a Phase I proposal. The waiver request is subject to NSF review and approval.
  • What is a Preliminary Proposal? A Preliminary Proposal is a brief document that presents initial information on the proposed Center to help NSF assess fit with the IUCRC Program.
  • How quickly will I hear back from NSF after submitting a Preliminary Proposal? Typically, NSF will provide a non-binding Encourage/Discourage recommendation for submission of a Full Planning Grant Proposal within one month of receipt of the Preliminary Proposal.
  • What would be some of the most significant activities that a PI must focus on during the Planning Grant stage? Planning Grant recipients are required to participate in two significant activities:
    1. a Boot Camp to learn how to create a sustainable Center; and
    2. a two-day Planning Workshop organized by the grantees, engaging potential Members in a discussion of the proposed Center research focus, its value propositions, potential research projects, and a research roadmap of strong interest to industry members.

    These activities require a cohesive and collaborative research team, and substantial time for industry outreach, communication, and customer discovery to help bring the most convergent industry participants to engage in the planning workshop. A key goal is to secure letters of industry financial commitment and convergence on the Center's research focus to develop a strong Phase I proposal to NSF.