Threat Modeling: Process, Frameworks, and Tools

Threat modeling is the process of identifying and sharing information about cybersecurity threats that can affect a given network or system. Modeling security threats helps IT teams understand their nature and potential impact on the organization. It also facilitates the analysis of threats to determine their risks to the organization’s apps.

In addition to protecting applications and networks, threat modeling can help protect business-critical processes and assets deployed outside the corporate network, such as cloud systems or Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The versatility of threat modeling gives organizations a cybersecurity arsenal to protect themselves from various attack vectors.

The threat modeling process depends on the system under investigation. Most business processes that rely on IT can benefit in some way. Threat modeling allows security analysts to narrow the scope of threats to a specific system. It removes the confusion about what threats are present and how to mitigate them. It also gives the IT team the insights they need to secure systems before the damage occurs.

This is part of a series of articles about application security.

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