
Nosang V. Myung is the Bernard Keating-Crawford Endowed Professor within the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Faculty Director of both the Materials Characterization Facility and the Analytical Science and Engineering (ASEND) Core Facility. His research program focuses on the synthesis of nanoengineered materials and the implementation of these materials in various advanced applications including spintronics, sensors, electronics, optoelectronics, energy harvesting, and environmental remediation. His lab's objective is to control nanoscale sized features to enhance material properties and device functions beyond those that are currently known.


Ian V. Lightcap

Research and Facilities Program Director

Office: 146 Stepan Chemistry Hall
Email: ilightca@nd.edu | Office Phone: 574-631-1493 | Cell Phone: 574-229-2936

Ian Lightcap joined the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame (ND Energy) in May 2012 as Senior Scientist and in February 2016 was promoted to Research and Facilities Program Director. In addition to conducting his own research and helping to grow the research in energy at Notre Dame, Ian is responsible for the development and management of the Materials Characterization Facility. The facility is designed to assist Notre Dame faculty and associated researchers in general materials characterization, photovoltaic and electrocatalyst characterization, and crystallographic characterization, while engaging all levels of students and teachers in sustainable energy education.

Anna Matzner

Anna Matzner

Laboratory Specialist

Office: 147 Stepan Chemistry Hall
Email: amatzner@nd.edu | Phone: 574-631-1848

Anna Matzner joined in 2019 as a Laboratory Specialist for the Materials Characterization Facility (MCF). Anna studied chemistry at the University of Louisville where she gained valuable research experience in electrochemical and single crystal X-Ray analysis. Upon graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry in 2014, she worked as an analytical chemist, pursuing opportunities in quality control in the beverage, flavor and fragrance industries. She also gained unique experiences working in the power generation industry, performing metallurgical analysis of power plant components, as well as coal analysis.

Materials Characterization Facility 146-147 Stepan Chemistry Hall , Notre Dame , IN 46556 USA Phone 574-631-1493 mcf@nd.edu